• IEEE International Symposium on the Internet of Sounds
    Erlangen (Germany), 30 September - 2 October 2024
    The networked ensemble piece project “Gendy Cloud” will be performed.
    Conference website

  • ICSC International Csound Conference
    Vienna (Austria), 17 - 20 September 2024
    The networked ensemble piece project “Gendy Cloud” will be performed.
    Conference website

  • NIME - New Interfaces for Musical Expression 2024
    Utrecht (Netherlands), 4 - 6 September 2024
    Contributed to the conference as a peer-reviewer for paper and music tracks.
    Conference website

  • Works for Loudspeakers Wellington (New Zealand), 31 Jul 2024
    My piece “Strng Wnd” (2019) is part of 28th installment of the concert series, Works for Loudspeakers

  • Compophonic Sessions Vol. 1
    Istanbul (Turkey), 23 May 2024
    Performed live with SuperCollider and Flucoma.

  • Tallinn Music Week
    Talinn (Estonia), 4 April 2024
    My piece Nophesis is played at the “Zenith - Ambisonic Fixed-Media Concert” during Tallin Music Week.
    Festival website

  • DIY Experimental Electronic Music Concert
    Istanbul (Turkey), 15 March 2024
    Performed live computer music with Sair Sinan Kestelli.

  • Noise of Istanbul New Media Festival
    Istanbul (Turkey), 21 January 2024
    Performed live with SuperCollider at the concert curated by MIAM and presented a workshop on Computer Music
    Festival website

  • Bilgi University New Music Festival
    Istanbul (Turkey), 18 November 2023
    My fixed-media, ambisonics piece “Nophesis” is presented Festival website

  • Cranelab Acousmathèque Multicanal Millery (France), 29 October 2023
    My piece is included into Cranelab’s Acousmathèque Multicanal listening room.

  • IS2 2023 - 4th International Symposium on the Internet of Sounds
    Pisa (Italy), 26 - 27 October 2023.
    The networked ensemble piece project “Gendy Cloud” is presented in the Demo track.
    Symposium website

  • ICMC 2023 - The International Computer Music Conference
    Shenzhen (China), 15 - 20 October 2023.
    Contributed to the conference as a peer-reviewer for the paper track.
    Conference website

  • Atmospheres - Multisensorial Research Workshop
    Istanbul (Turkey), 13 - 14 October 2023.
    Presenting fixed-media piece “Aeolian Resonz”
    The workshop titled “Atmospheres - Multisensorial research in Istanbul. Artistic and academic research in Dialogue”, organized in collaboration with Orient Institute Istanbul, Concordia University (Tiohtià:ke Montreal), and Istanbul Technical University Center for Advanced Studies in Music (MIAM)

  • Australasian Computer Music Conference 2023
    Sydney (Australia), 9 - 11 October 2023
    Fixed-media piece Nophesis is presented.
    Conference website

  • EM-visia 2023 Concert
    Kyiv (Ukraine), 3 October 2023
    My fixed-media piece “Nophesis” is presented at the CIME/ ICEM (International Confederation of Electroacoustic Music) section of the EM-visia 2023 concert, organized by the Ukrainian Association of Electroacoustic Music - UAEM. “EM-visia is an international project of electroacoustic, experimental electronic music and media art that has been taking place in Kyiv since 2005 (curator - Alla Zagaykevych) Programs of EM-visia concerts and workshops cover a wide genre spectrum of modern electronic music - from concert works by composers of the academic electroacoustic scene, audio-visual performances, sonorous installations, performances by musicians of experimental electronic music, video art.”

  • International Music Day Spatial Sound Installation
    Talinn (Estonia), 1 October 2023
    Fixed-media ambisonics piece Nophesis is presented at Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. “We celebrate the International Music Day with a seven-hour spatial installation, which is made up of works created for the EMTA black box surround sound system set up especially for this occasion - compositions whose sounds can be heard from any direction.”
    Event page

    Grenoble (France), 8, 10 September 2023
    My electroacoustic octophonic music piece, titled “Nophesis”, has been accepted for inclusion in the multichannel concert program of the PAYSAGES | COMPOSÉS 2023 - Écologie sonore ‧ Musiques de recherche (3ème édition) organized by APNÉES.

  • The Institute for Art in Context, UdK Exhitibition
    Berlin (Germany), 21 - 23 July 2024.
    The works created for “Istanbul Soundspace Project” are presented at CCA Berlin.

  • NYCEMF - The New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival
    New York (USA), 19 - 25 June 2023
    8-channels fixed media composition “Mar8” is presented.

  • Istanbul Soundscape Project Concert
    Istanbul (Turkey), 21 May 2023
    Presented a fixed-media, soundscape piece.
    Event Post

  • Sonified Symposium
    Istanbul (Turkey), 29-30 December 2022
    Performed “Gendy Cloud” live with seven performers from five cities.

  • Sonified Symposium
    Istanbul (Turkey), 29-30 December 2022
    Presented “Symphony in Blue 2.0” with a preceeding talk on behalf of Istanbul Coding Ensemble.
    Istanbul Coding Ensemble (ICE), Jerfi Aji, and Scott Wilson performed “with live coding based on machine listening data shared over network” version of “Symphony in Blue” by composer Kamran Ince.

  • XNPM22: Xenakis Networked Performance Marathon
    Athens (Greece), 17 December 2022
    Performed my networked music project “Gendy Cloud” with on-site and remote performers located in three countries.
    Event page

  • digitIZMir Digital Music Festival
    Izmir (Turkey), 6 - 7 October 2022.
    Performed live for 8 channels diffusion for 45 minutes.
    Event page (TR)
    Event page (FR)
    Event page (DE)
  • Soundwalking among routes: Public event for the 17th Istanbul Biennial
    Istanbul (Turkey), 18 September 2022
    A collaborative workshop includes a soundwalk by Soundinit and “A Dictionary of Sensitive Sounds”
    Website (English)
    Website (Turkish)

  • ICMC 2022 - The International Computer Music Conference
    Limerick (Ireland), 3 - 9 July 2022.
    Presenting my piece “Coding Coppers”
    Conference website

  • NIME 2022 - The International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression
    Auckland (New Zealand) 28 June - 1 July 2022.
    The installation project with İpek Oskay, “Sounding Microcosmos” is presented
    Conference website
    Our installation page

  • Taking Place and Making Place - Celebrating 25 Years of Journal of Space and Culture Conference
    Catholic University of Eichstätt – Ingolstadt (Germany) 23 - 25 June 2022.
    The project “Sounding Microcosmos: real-time, telematic, biodata sonification” in collaboration with Ipek Oskay is presented live.
    Our project on conference website

  • SMC 2022 - The Sound and Music Computing Conference
    Saint-Etienne (France) 7 - 11 June 2022.
    The project “Sounding Microcosmos: real-time, telematic, biodata sonification” in collaboration with Ipek Oskay is presented live.
    Festival website

  • Xenakis 22: Centenary International Symposium
    Athens & Nafplio (Greece), 24-29 May 2022.
    Presenting my composition method that employs data sonification and inspired by Iannis Xenakis’s music “Achorripsis”
    Symposium website

  • EELISA Research-based Learning Symposium
    Istanbul (Turkey), 17-18 May 2022.
    Istanbul Coding Ensemble (ICE), Jerfi Aji “with live coding based on machine listening data shared over network” version of “Symphony in Blue” by composer Kamran Ince.
    Symposium website
    Concert video

  • Earth Day Art Model Telematic Festival
    Online, 22 April 2022
    The project “Sounding Microcosmos: real-time, telematic, biodata sonification” in collaboration with Ipek Oskay is presented live on the International Earth Day. “Earth Day Art Model is a global telematic and media event held on International Earth Day. Earth Day Art Model is sponsored and presented by Deck 10 Media and the Tavel Arts Technology Research Center at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI).”
    Festival website

  • TIEMF 2022 - Tehran International Electronic Music Festival
    Tehran (Iran), 19-26 Feb 2022
    Presenting my binaural, fixed-media, electroacoustic composition “Transfigured Walls”
    Festival website

  • HKCR - Hong Kong Community Radio
    Hong Kong, 11 Jan 2022
    My binaural, fixed-media, electroacoustic composition “Transfigured Walls” was presented in show hosted by Dj Strawberry with a guest curator Kaan Işık
    Radio show

  • ICLC 2021 - International Conference on Live Coding 2021
    December 15-17 2021 ~ Valdivia, Chile.
    Presenting the paper “Live Coding in the Time of COVID”, authored by Scott Wilson, Konstantinos Vasilakos, and Serkan Sevilgen.
    Conference website

  • ICLC 2021 - International Conference on Live Coding 2021
    December 15-17 2021 ~ Valdivia, Chile.
    Istanbul Coding Ensemble (ICE), Jerfi Aji, and Scott Wilson performed “with live coding based on machine listening data shared over network” version of “Symphony in Blue” by composer Kamran Ince.
    Conference website

  • Hybrid Live Coding Interfaces 2021: Beyond the Screen
    November 23 2021
    Presenting “Remote OSC” for telematic live coding with example use within WORC
    Workshop website
    Presentation video

  • Festival of Sound Art and Transmedia Ecos Urbanos
    November 16 - 26 2021 Mexico
    My 8-channels, fixed media electroacoustic composition “Wanderer” was presented at Stanford University’s CCRMA (Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics) as a part of “Ecos Urbanos Festival” on Wed Nov 17 5pm PST.
    Festival website
    Stanford’s CCRMA page
    Concert: Direct live stream from CCRMA

  • ISMIR (International Society for Music Information Retrieval) Conference
    November 8 - 12 2021
    Istanbul Coding Ensemble (ICE), Jerfi Aji, and Scott Wilson performed “with live coding based on machine listening data shared over network” version of “Symphony in Blue” by composer Kamran Ince.
    Conference website

  • SBCM 2021 - 18th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music
    October 24 - 27 2021
    Performed electroacoustic music live telematically with the bespoke platform WORC
    Symposium website

  • SBCM 2021 - 18th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music
    October 24 - 27 2021
    Istanbul Coding Ensemble (ICE), Jerfi Aji, and Scott Wilson performed “with live coding based on machine listening data shared over network” version of “Symphony in Blue” by composer Kamran Ince.
    Symposium website

  • Acoustic, Electroacoustic and Soundscape Class by Barry Truax
    Online - September to November 2021
    Participant in the online course for the Tutorial for the Handbook for Acoustic Ecology, hosted by Emeritus Professor Barry Truax, Simon Fraser University, Autumn 2021.

  • Soundinit Soundwalk
    Istanbul - 13 September 2021
    Led and recorded a soundwalk with Fulya Ucanok at Soundinit event
    Binaural recording

  • Darmstadt Composition Summer Course
    1 - 11 August 2021
    Studied with Brian Ferneyough, Mark Andre, Raphaël Cendo, and Sarah Nemtsov.

  • World Listening Day Event - Soundwalk
    Istanbul - 18 July 2021
    Led a soundwalk with Fulya Ucanok at Soundinit event as a part of global “World Listening Day” events
    Soundinit Facebook event
    World Listening Day 2021 Global Events
    Binaural recording of the entire soundwalk

  • Electroacoustic Afternoons Concert
    Online - 2 July 2021
    I presented my mixed composition piece “N, for Violin and Electronics (2021)”.
    Full Concert
    N, for Violin and Electronics (2021)

  • Transformations of Musical Creativity in the 21st Century Conference
    Istanbul - 27 June 2021
    I performed as a member of Istanbul Coding Ensemble in the music track of the conference.
    Istanbul Coding Ensemble (ICE), Jerfi Aji, and Scott Wilson performed “with live coding based on machine listening data shared over network” version of “Symphony in Blue” by composer Kamran Ince.

  • 11th International Hisarli Ahmet Symposium
    Online - 6 June 2021
    I presented my research paper “Data Sonification as an Electroacoustic Composition Method”.
    Symposium website

  • Impro Dance Festival
    Online - 27 May 2021
    Performed with Fulya Ucanok our “inside piano + soundcape” composition as a part of Klank.ist Ensemble Improvisation Series
    Event Video
    Festival Website

  • Bilgi Music Seminars
    Istanbul Bilgi University - 9 April 2021
    I presented a seminar on “Stochastic Processes in Music”.
    Facebook event
    Lecture video

  • Exploring Resonance and Feedback Workshop Series
    Arter / ITU MIAM - 15 - 29 February 2021
    On the occasion of Rainforest V (variation 3) exhibition (David Tudor) in Arter, composers John Driscoll and Phil Edelstein of Composers Inside Electronics, Inc. presented a series of online presentations and workshops titled “Exploring Resonance and Feedback”. Realised through a collaboration between Arter, İTÜ MIAM and Columbia University Computer Music Center, the online programme focused on the compositional use of resonance in materials and spaces. Led by Driscoll and Edelstein, the workshops encouraged participants to carry out their own explorations of acoustic and electronic feedback.

  • MIAM Current Research in Music Colloquium
    Center for Advanced Studies in Music (MIAM) / ITU - 5 February 2021
    I presented my research “Real-time computer music with human performers”
    Colloquium Webpage

  • Sonic Synchresis / Distributed Dialogues Concert
    Online - 4 February 2021
    I presented my project “Live coding for real-world objects” that I’ve realized with Python, Arduino and Supercollider

  • SIIDS - Sound, Image and Interaction Design Symposium
    Funchal (Portugal) - 4th September, 2020
    My piece “Image Sonification in memoriam Ertuğrul Oğuz Fırat” was presented on exhibition section during the symposium.
    SIIDS exhibition

  • Network Music Festival
    Birmingham (England, UK) - 16 July 2020
    The project with Fulya Ucanok, “The Curtain & Beyond” was performed live
    Artists’ page
    Festival website
    Performance video on YouTube

  • MIAM Current Research in Music Colloquium
    Center for Advanced Studies in Music (MIAM) / ITU - 16 June 2020
    Presented a research paper “A Tool for Network Music”
    Poster and abstract

  • Share the Sound Concert
    Online - 11 June 2020
    Presented my binaural, acousmatic piece “Transfigured Walls”.
    Facebook Live Streaming

  • The Curtain & Beyond ~ Live Tele-acousmatic Improvisation Concert
    Online - 18 May 2020
    Fulya Uçanok and Serkan Sevilgen are a duo who is fascinated by microscopic details of sound objects and exploring their intimate and fragile sound worlds through low-level listening.
    Facebook Live Streaming
    Audio recording

  • In Between Electroacoustic Music Festival
    Thessaloniki, Greece 8-10 May 2020 (Postponed to an unknown date)
    Festival website

  • “Space in Art and Design” class Seminar
    Mimar Sinan University - 6 May 2020
    “Spatial Sound and Music” was presented to Prof. Lebriz Rona’s master degree course students
    Related post

  • In Memory of Ertugrul Oguz Firat Concert
    Center for Advanced Studies in Music / ITU - 10 February 2020
    Electroacoustic miniature piece, “Image sonification In Memoriam Ertugrul Oguz Firat” was presented
    Event poster

  • Sonic Tales from the Crypt Concert
    MIAM Gallery (Center for Advanced Studies in Music, ITU) - 26 December 2019
    Multichannel (octophonic), site-specific piece was presented
    Event poster
    Event website
    Related post Related post

  • Acousmatic Concert
    MIAM Studio (Center for Advanced Studies in Music / ITU) - 31 October 2019
    The acousmatic piece, realized in MaxMSP, composed for this concert was presented at MIAM studio.
    Related post

  • Take the Aid Train
    Bova Jazz Club, Istanbul - 20 October 2019
    A musique concrete improvisation with Fulya Ucanok during the Take the AID Train, an experimental music event at Bova Jazz Club, Istanbul
    Event poster

  • Vector Synthesis Pure Data Workshop
    Humboldt University of Berlin - 5-7 July 2019
    Participated in The Vector Synthesis Workshop held by Derek Holzer.
    Workshop details

  • Soundwalk
    Istanbul - 8 June 2019
    Led a soundwalk with Fulya Ucanok in Soundinit event.
    Facebook event page

  • Istanbul Soundscape Project Event
    Salt Beyoglu, Istanbul - 25 April 2019
    A soundcape composition “Strng Wnd” was presented
    Event poster